Warm Welcome to Big Fish Fly Wholesale Co-op. We are a co-operation of fish fly enthusiasts mainly located in Kikuyu, Kenya.

Our mission is to provide the best quality fishing flies.

Our main sources and references for fly fishing patterns is from Best book sellers such as The great feather merchant of Umpqua (1500 assorted patterns, The best one thousand (1000 assorted fly patterns), The Orvis Fly pattern index

Dry fish fly patterns assort

Dry flies imitate insects attributed to life on land and float on water during fishing. These are terrestrials or emergers depending on their nature. Most common dry fishing flies include Mayfly, Caddis flies, Spinners, Midges, Mosquitoes And so Many more.

Dry fly patterns assortment

Salmon/Steel head fish fly patterns assort

These Sort of Fishing patterns imitate smaller fishes to salmons which could be Egg Sucking leeches, Roe eggs(Glo Bugs) etc. They are also Known to be used in Freshwaters and Ocean waters.

Saltwater patterns assortment

Saltwater fish fly patterns are designed To catch Larger fishes (Marine fish) and they Mimic Baitfish, Shrimps, Crabs etc.

Saltwater fish fly assortment

We are Greatly thankful to our Customers and team of Veteran / professional tiers and Fly fishing enthusiasts for all their support.